Today was the last day of our Fall Session at Underpass. Over the past 5 weeks we’ve become a little community that learns together, encourages each other, and celebrates victories as a team.
We discussed how a little kindness can go a long way, like helping someone up after a fall, or a high five after landing a trick.
I think this resonates with a lot of young people. Skateboarding allows you to challenge yourself without any reward aside from the feeling of satisfaction that comes from persevering. But as a group activity, it helps us empathize and share our joy with others.
Kids in the lesson program feel great after crossing off a trick on their list, and they absolutely LOVE completing the list and moving to the next level! The cheering, clapping, and fist bumps make it all the more special.
They know that we rise together, and we’re here to learn from each other, not just the instructors. Today was a big day for everyone—the smiles say it all!
We owe a massive debt of gratitude to our friends at @thebay_ for letting us adopt their level system. If you don’t already, you need to follow the incredible work they’re doing in Lincoln, NE. Thanks, guys! 🙏🏽❤️