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Spring Adult Lessons

Learning to skate as an adult is scary. Kids are in a space to try new things and figure out ways to interact with the world around them; we’re bigger, heavier, and far more aware of all that could go wrong.

That’s why we’re extra proud of everyone in our spring adult session who came out and pushed past fear and apprehension, to accomplish something that would be much easier to simply walk away from.

Adults reap the same benefits as kids from skateboarding—increased confidence, peer support, and a demonstration of persistence paying off. But I think it can be even more profound. With all the stresses and the constant division of our lives and attention, skateboarding is something that is grounding (sometimes literally). Skateboarding demands our concentration, and the act focuses our attention on the present moment.

Super grateful for all these wonderful people, including the ones who didn’t make it into this photo. Special thank you to @kamphung and @cameralady_ for being so kind and caring as instructors. (And @cameralady_ for the incredible photos, as always!)


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